sometimes you just have to be a kook in order to have a little fun
I have an addiction… A strange addiction… Okay, so it’s not like eating paper (though I did try this to impress some classmates in 3rd grade) and I’m not hoarding anything. I’m addicted to reading about myself. Or my personality traits to be more precise.
I started wondering where in the world this saying came from. This then led me down the rabbit hole of idioms in general. And not only where idioms come from, but where sayings come from. And what’s the difference exactly? Then what is the difference between idioms and slang? When does something go from being slang to being an idiom? Is this even really an idiom?
Suddenly, I was thinking back to my own travels and all of those short moments in convenient stores, eating to-go sandwiches or buying a candy bar in a gas station. For some reason, I’m incredibly fond of those memories…