

sometimes you just have to be a kook in order to have a little fun

Giving Myself a Mid-Week Treat

Giving Myself a Mid-Week Treat

When I set the goal to write every day (short posts on weekdays and at least one long post during the weekend), I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But tonight made it seem nearly impossible. I felt so sleepy (and still feel incredibly tired). It was like dragging myself through quicksand to try to open my computer and start writing. 

I am so tired that I almost just spelled writing righting… 

So I really will make tonight’s post short. 

What I wanted to write about tonight was my new way of tracking the days of the week. I’ve started giving myself little treats mid-week so that I have something to look forward to. 

On Wednesdays, I get to listen to a new episode of the Office Ladies podcast. This is something I do while washing dishes or stretching in the morning. Because The Office is one of my favorite shows, I have so much fun listening to the breakdown of each episode. 

They release once a week, so I don’t have much choice to wait until Wednesday, but I think that I would—even if it was a series I could binge. 

I’m not sure what it says about my life at this moment to have a thirty-minute episode of discussions about a television show that’s no longer on the air mean so much to me, but you know what? I’m not going to look too much into it. If this is what gets me through Humpday, then so be it!

On Thursdays (aka tonight), I let myself watch the latest episode of my other favorite show The Great British Baking Show. Technically, new episodes are released on Fridays, but I force myself to wait until the following Thursday to watch. 

Fridays are usually my movie night day with my neighbor, so there’s no need to watch it then and on the weekends, I tend to binge-watch shows that have been on my list for quite a while. 

Knowing that I have an episode of this charming show filled with self-deprecating Brits baking gets me through the week. 

What an exciting life I lead, eh? But what’s contentment without a bit of routine. It’s the little things in life that bring us the most joy (she says now while she’s in quarantine).

Anyway, as you can tell, I’ve started talking to myself and still have to wash dishes and read my book for a bit. So I bid you all adieu. Goodnight!

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