Dot & Bo Blog Data

In an average month, the Dot & Bo Blog readers had 142,942 sessions. During my time at Dot & Bo, the blog received 1,944,252 Users with an average session duration of a minute and eleven seconds.

Blog Post Example: Style Maven-Oakland Woodworker Aleksandra Zee

At Dot & Bo, I worked directly with the Director of Merchandising to create the "Style Mavens" series. A collection of interviews featuring real, authentic people with inspiring lives and style.

This series was paired with approved Dot & Bo products that reflected the person and their aesthetic. 

Below, find an interview with the woodworker and social media influencer Aleksandra Zee.

How I Used Cremation as a Pastime

If you think I’m a weirdo now, picture me 12 years ago. I’ve spent the last dozen years shaping myself to pass as a run-of-the-mill twentysomething. BUT back in the 4th grade, I did not have such self-control. So, when my teacher asked us to choose a poem to recite for the class, can you guess my reaction?