

sometimes you just have to be a kook in order to have a little fun

Why Broad City is Flipping my 2019 OUT

Why Broad City is Flipping my 2019 OUT

Wow. I know that I only promised to post once a week, but last night I had an epiphany. Like holy Eureka’s Castle, this is it. Everything makes sense. So, I had to post again.

If you’ve ready any of my latest blog posts, you know that my life has been a little out of whack since the start of 2019. I have strange pains in my body. I’ve had to trek across town looking like a bag lady. And I’ve been having a strange and overwhelming craving for cacio e pepe.

All of this has left me wondering, is Mercury just stuck in retrograde?? Somebody help the planet for god’s sake.

But no! That’s not it at all. After scrolling through Instagram last night, I realized that something else had thrown my life into disorder.

Broad City is ending.


What does this have to do with the fact that I drank too many Pomegranate martinis on New Year’s Eve and ended up drawing alone in a corner of the party? Everything!

The unavoidable end of Abbi and Ilana’s strange transitioning-into-adulthood life is also marking the unavoidable end of my own. With this final season, I’ll be saying goodbye to the storylines that have so well defined the awkward, broke, strange and yet somehow wildly optimistic headspace of my twenties. I’ll also be saying goodbye to Abbi—who, like me, encapsulated the endearing hopefulness of becoming someone hip, cool & fit. And to Ilana, who helped me believe that I could live with less inhibitions.

Okay, who are we kidding? My anxiety would never let me live without every single one of my inhibitions. But, still, while watching the show, I felt like I could be as carefree as Ilana.

And it’s not just saying goodbye to Abbi and Ilana. What about Lincoln and Jaime and Bevers? How in the world am I supposed to face a world that doesn’t have a cheerful, half-naked Bevers in it? If a world like that exists, I do not want to live in it.

And don’t even get me started on Trey.

If I’m being honest, I’ve already been through a lot when it comes to Trey.  In college, I binge-watched a web series called Dorm Life where Paul W. played a reeaaalll aggressive R.A. I was pretty obsessed with the show and pretty involved with all of the characters. SO, when I first realized that this psychotic dorm leader was supposed to be the happy-go-lucky Trey on Broad City, it took me a while to get on board.

But then I did. I totally believed it. The highlights. The pumped-up attitude. The Cha-Chingas. Everything.

And, now… that too is coming to an end.

But, okay,  it’s more than just no longer having my favorite show to watch. It’s the unanswered question of what’s next? Not only am I incredibly invested in what will happen in the lives of these fictional characters (including that of Ru Paul in his bitchy-overpriced-New-York-socialite-I-wanna-go-there-and-give-them-all-my-money-restaurant and diaper-wearing Fred Armisan) but the real lives of the actors/writers/producers/all around bad asses as well. Will Abbi and Ilana do a female-version of Wayne’s World? (fingers crossed on that one). Will they come out with a serious political show that asks us questions we need to answer? (also, fingers crossed on this one). OR will they branch out on their own solo projects—producing, acting, writing, singing?


It’s this uncertainty, open-endedness that has infiltrated my everyday life. A feeling of change coming without a concrete sense of direction. WHAT IS HAPPENING NEXT?

At least I know that there’s one last season to enjoy. Another excuse to get together with friends who may also be feeling this strange sense of displacement. Another reason to be grateful that I won’t be returning to Florida (even though it is amazingly warm and you can wear big floral jackets). Another reason to remember that there’s never a bad time to video call your best friend.


So, as I navigate what seem like confused waters, I’ll just keep drumming on my bucket drum and moving toward my next phase—whatever it is.

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