Urban Farming: Volunteering at Alemany Farms
Type of Experience: Urban Farming
Duration of Volunteering: 4 hours
Volunteering Days: Mondays & Saturdays
Type of Work:
Planting seedlings
Why We Love It: There’s something so satisfying about sinking your hands into the soil, extracting invasive weeds, and bringing home a bag of produce that you can confidently say is organic. And you don’t have to have a green thumb to contribute to this farm as the cool, casual staff helps guide you through the list of tasks that need tending to every week. Best of all, your hard work is not only rewarded with a bushel of greens for your own household but also with the knowledge that a fresh supply of veggies will be available for the neighboring community and The Free Farm Stand.
You can learn more about Alemany Farms on their website here and register to volunteer here.
You can read more about my experience helping to plant native species at the farm here >