

sometimes you just have to be a kook in order to have a little fun

Welcome Feral Girl Spring

Welcome Feral Girl Spring

We said goodbye to BRAT summer last year (though some of us likely have decided to hold onto it and bring it back this summer). 

I’m not entirely sure what kind of winter this has been… Seems to me like we went from bringing the attitude to simply trying to survive. BRAT -> SCARED? 

I say, for spring (and hell let’s roll it all the way through this summer), let’s get FERAL! 

Feral Girl Spring

What does a Feral Girl Spring entail?

  • Caring less about appearances

  • Letting our hair get messy and our clothes get dirty 

  • Growing shit (wild native species, food, houseplants)

  • Moving our bodies more (and however we want to) 

  • Building stronger connections to nature

  • Letting our sharper edges show

  • Snarling back when someone threatens us (or our wild homeland)

  • Unlearning “tame” and “domesticated” and allowing ourselves to react to things that are harmful to us (even if they’re under the guise of being good for us)

Synonyms for Feral

“Wild”; “Untamed”; “Unbroken”; “Fierce”

Cue The Chicks Cowboy Take Me Away

I want to touch the earth

I want to feel it in my hands

I want to grow something wild and unruly

Why Feral Girl Spring

There are a few reasons I’m feelin’ Feral Girl Spring…

1. If we’re not being looked after…

I’ve been feeling paralyzed.

There’s a lot happening in America and my own personal life, seemingly with a lack of thought for how to build new and better foundations before we destroy existing ones… 

My logical brain needs plans; plans that can explain how action A is going to make thing B better with x, y, z reasons to believe. Without this, I feel distressed.

But I don’t want to feel paralyzed anymore!

For so long I’ve lived the tame life. Like a pet cat or dog, I’ve been content to go day-to-day knowing that my survival needs are being taken care of.

These needs are starting to feel like they’re no longer being met.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you? What if that hand stops feeding you? 

Time to bite! 

2. Ferocity over fear

Letting ferocity overcome fear is also a key pillar of the Kook Aunty mentality! 

Fuck being afraid of trying something new just because I might be terrible at it.
Fuck being afraid of asking questions just because I think someone is going to be annoyed.
Fuck being afraid to get messy because I want people to like me or think I’m cute.

3. It’s fun

As with all things on Kook Aunty, the main objective is to live a life that you’re ultimately obsessed with and that leaves you satisfied.

Honestly, adding a bit of feral-ness to your life can only result in fun. 

Feral Girl Spring is about connecting to your youth when you made mud pies with zero cares and played freeze-tag at school, heart racing and clothes covered in dirt and grass stains as you ran and slid. 

It’s about GOING for whatever it is that makes you feel free and filled with energy!

Bare those teeth. Say goodbye to those “good girl” praises and get ready for some “oh, shit! That’s a wild one.

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