sometimes you just have to be a kook in order to have a little fun
Since living in quarantine, I’ve been cooking a lot more for myself. Healthier, right? I thought so too. The problem was that I developed headaches, intense ones, along with dizziness, brain fog, and unbalance. At the advice of a doctor, I started a “headache journal” which led me to discover that I might not be benefiting from this “nutritional” addition to my food.
We spent about an hour wandering the wooden path, doing a quick jaunt amongst the trees, chatting with a scientist in a stream, and heading back to the house (and cat) to relax. I love a good hike but my friend is more of a walker, so we avoided actually taking off on any trails. Plus, by the time we’d wound our way along the wooden walkway, it was feeling a bit crowded and I was getting uncomfortable being around so many people—most with masks but some without.
Since starting my #JogThroughJune challenge, I’ve discovered some new jogging routes that have led me to some incredible views. I’d been to most of these places before, but there’s just something about experiencing them alone—while your breathing is heavy but your endorphins are high—that shed a whole new light on their beauty. So, without further ado, here are my three favorite jogging routes that I’ve completed in #JogThroughJune.