All in musings

Bob's Your Uncle & My Dive Into Idioms

I started wondering where in the world this saying came from. This then led me down the rabbit hole of idioms in general. And not only where idioms come from, but where sayings come from. And what’s the difference exactly? Then what is the difference between idioms and slang? When does something go from being slang to being an idiom? Is this even really an idiom?

What is a Mother's Blessing? And Why This Experience is So Special.

So what is a Mother’s Blessing? This is the same question that I asked myself upon receiving my invitation. The card was long with a list of ritualistic objects that I needed to have on hand. For those who know me, it may seem like I would feel comfortable with the type of ceremony that the invitation seemed to entail. After all, I’ve always loved rituals, witchy objects, and have always believed in the power behind such practices. But to be honest, I was a bit apprehensive about what this blessing would be like...