All tagged gratitude

The Art of Gratitude

I’m practicing the art of gratitude. And it is an art. The act of feeling thankful for everything that we have doesn’t necessarily come naturally or even easily. I’d argue that taking advantage of situations or taking things for granted is what comes naturally to us humans.

Setting Goals: My Jog Through June Challenge

If living through quarantine and my father’s COVID19 near-death experience has taught me anything, it’s to take advantage of things when you have them. It’s only when you can no longer go to a café with friends that you realize the beauty of those moments. So, with the long summer days and warmer weather, I decided to kick my jogging into high gear.

Quarantine Diaries - Survivor's guilt

Here’s something they don’t tell you.

After having someone you love survive COVID-19, the relief you feel isn’t as simple as just relief.

You’ve spent the last however many days huddled in uncertainty. Your hands ache from being clenched in prayer—prayer to anything that is sacred in this world. You’re weary from nights spent tossing and turning, unable to sleep with your heart pounding in your chest, wondering what the next moment will bring. You’ve cried yourself into dehydration. You’re exhausted and nerves are on end. And then…

And then he survives and you’re flooded with relief. You can finally relax.

But with that relief comes other emotions.

Namely, guilt.