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I've Got a Confession to Make

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The Audio File of This Blog Post ME

I’ve got a confession to make…

It’s a pretty big one. One that I’ve been unsure that I could share with you all.

Are you ready for it? Okay, here it is:

I don’t actually read any blogs. 

I know. Terrible. As someone who not only writes a blog for a living, but also thoroughly enjoys writing on her personal blog, it’s basically a crime to not read any others. After all, shouldn’t I be creating something that I think has value? And if I think blogging has value, then shouldn’t I want to read them myself?

These are questions that I struggle with daily. 

Unfortunately, I know that the answer is “yes.”

The problem is, I don’t know how else to go about creating content—both within a reasonable amount of time as well as the amount of content that I am hoping to produce. 

Because, after all, I do have a full-time job and this blog is my side project. 

So, I decided to approach this problem from a new angle. What types of content do I subscribe to—and can I somehow translate what I’m doing here into that. 

They types of content I consume regularly:

  • Podcasts

  • YouTube

  • Netflix

  • Books

The next step was figuring out which of these mediums could work for me. 

Though I would love to produce a Netflix series, we have to be realistic here. I took “The Art of Video” 15+ years ago. I never mastered Final Cut Pro. I haven’t spent any of my last 6 years out of college schmoozing with movie people. And I have no money. Basically, all I have are incredible story ideas (like a show that takes place in a modern underwater Atlantis where fish people eat crazy algae to trip and manta rays are taxis).

In other words, that’s a no go. 

Then there’s the idea of books. 

I want to write a book. Someday I will write a book. However, I can’t seem to get anywhere close to something of that length at this time. (I’m making a video about why I think I have book-writer’s block soon).

Which brings me to YouTube. I think I’m going to give this a try. I want to see if there’s an audience who’s interested in what it’s like to live in San Francisco. What it’s like to strive to create all the time. And what it’s like to just try to survive as I’m about to turn thirty. I’ll let you know if any videos are actually made [including the one mentioned above].

Finally, there are podcasts. Okay, I’m not going to start making a podcast. I just don’t have the wherewithal to bring in all of the sound equipment nor do the marketing that it would require to make it worth it. However, this media type did give me an idea. What if I created sound files of each of my blog posts. That way, if you so choose, you can actually just listen to these posts instead of having to pull it up on your phone and read it. 

This means that you would be able to listen to posts while walking to work or working out or cleaning or cooking or literally doing anything.

Of course, it would also mean that you’d have to listen to my voice—which is, in all honesty, a bit too nasaly and not the most intelligent sounding. Intelligent sounding… see what I mean?

Anyway, this is my first post that I’m trying as both a written blog post as well as a sound bite. 

I’d love to know what you all think. I’d also love to know if you think it’s worth it for me to continue to try new mediums. Oh, and let me know if you agree that there really is a difference between this and a podcast. Or am I only fooling myself?

You can also comment saying that this is a bad idea. That no one in their right mind would choose to listen to my voice because it sounds like Squidward playing his clarinet. 

In which case, I’ll stop making these. Or maybe I won’t. Maybe that will only entice me to make more. Who knows! 

Anyway, thanks for listening or reading—and I’ll be back with another post soon.