Kook Aunty Guides

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Does Where You Poop Really Matter?

I hope that headline caught your attention.

In truth, I don’t know the answer to that question and this blog post isn’t really about that. What it is about is a recent camping trip to Angel Island and how “nature’s call” led us to a gorgeous scene at the edge of the Bay.

At 6:00 AM, we woke up to hike to the island’s peak in order to catch the sunrise. Truth be told, I was awake before then because not only did I have to pee (yet again) but I was also sure that a baby raccoon was trying to gnaw its way into my tent. Though I did not see any little critter when I emerged, I do not doubt my wild woman instincts were correct. Masked devil.

But that is beside the point.

Everyone else was soon awake and we were climbing our way to the top of the island. I immediately regretted wearing the cat onesie that I had donned in the middle of the night (due to the cold and my stylish sensibilities) but continued on without much hope of stopping the sweating.

In the end, the early morning wake up call and sweaty hike paid off. We were awed as the world came to life before our eyes in a glow of oranges, reds, pinks, and blues. Soft fog rolled in as the air warmed, creating an atmosphere of hushed magic.

After hiking back down, we had an indulgent breakfast of French-pressed coffee and chocolate, banana, peanut butter pancakes.

Needless to say, post breakfast, more than one of us heard nature calling. Some more than others…

I am shocked to announce that for once in my life, it was not my body that decided to let all hell break loose, but instead, a close friend's.

Side Note: The day before, we had made friends with a group of boy scouts and their leaders. Though we were quick to scoff at and label certain comments made by the leaders as “unintentionally sexist,” we were suddenly very glad that we’d been informed of the “flushing toilets that the moms always love, just ten minutes away.”

The only problem?

Other than a general direction, we had no idea where these ten minutes toilets actually were. Still, with certain rumblings beginning to occur, we knew we had to try to find them.

Stumbling through a forest and stopping for a moment to stare at some deer (ignoring the fact that all three of us now had to make it to these toilets ASAP), we finally found ourselves on the island’s main road. We walked and walked and walked. Conversation became strained as the truth of what was occurring inside of us became more and more apparent. A sick fear began to sink in as we realized that these porcelain palaces may be out of our reach and that the underbrush of the island would perhaps have to do. 

We then came to a fork in the road. Using what common sense we had—there was quite a bit when we combined forces—we decided that heading straight on the road was not the best choice. That was the way we had come up the day before and had not seen any bathrooms on our way to the campsite.

So, taking a left, we made our way down a road until we came to what looked like a haunted military barrack. In fact, it may be a haunted military barrack, but we didn't care as long as this included a flushing toilet.

A winding road made its way through the abandoned houses and at the far end, we saw the blue of the bay and a little alcove. It was beautiful and resembled the Norwegian countryside (from what I've seen on Instagram) or something out of Ireland. And then, off to the right, a small white square poked out from the trees.

Could it be? Could those be the flushing toilets??

For a moment, we held our breath and gazed down at it. My heart beat with hope. 

Looking to my left, I saw my friend staring down the winding road. The expression on her face said it all. If she went all the way down there it and the white box turned out to be nothing but another abandoned building, she wouldn't be making it back up. It would be the end.

I couldn't let that happen. I had to take control of this mission. As the one person in this friend group who knew the true poignancy of nature’s call, I had to take one for the team. Quickening my jaunt, I trotted down the road until I reached its base. If I squinted my eyes, I could just make out the stick figures that signify bathrooms. I could have sung out with joy!

Turning swiftly, I raised my arms into the air to signify our success. I could practically feel the relief in the air as my friends quickened their own paces down the mountain.

Later, we all sat at a lone picnic table by the water’s edge. Lapping the shoreline, the bay was a gentle and reassuring force. A couple of geese flew overhead, landing in the rippling waves before heading to the sandy beach and leaving solemn footprints in the dusk-colored grains. The somber yet elegant tone of the birds could not have fit the mood any better.

It was terrible events that had brought us here, but we had been brought here for a reason. Nature had led us to this serene space, where the earth seemed to buzz with energy, life, and beauty. We three did not speak of what had occurred and sat gazing at the wonderous world around us.