Kook Aunty Guides

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My First Failed Attempt to Create This Blog

Last night, I decided it was time to make the switch from a Wordpress blog to a Squarespace site. So, casually, I typed "Squarespace" into my Chrome navigation bar. 

When I arrived at the landing page, I clicked the "Create New Site" button. 

"Would you like to start a trial or a live site?" I was then asked. 

For a moment, I paused. Start a live site? Had I even put an email address in? A credit card? How was it possible that I had the option to start a live site? 

Still, did I stop to investigate what was going on? No, of course not. 

Instead, I wrote my introduction and proceeded to upload my favorite blog post from my old blog... the one about that time I recited a poem about cremation in front of my entire fourth-grade class.

Then, after categorizing, tagging, and publishing the post, I felt accomplished and fulfilled. I was on my way to having a brand new, beautifully-designed blog! I'd already published my first post and was ready to start on the next. 


That's when I noticed the small circle at the bottom right-hand corner of my Squarespace navigation bar. In gray, the letters T and K stood right in the center. 

Slowly, the realization of what I had done began to sink in. It had been so easy to create the site because there had been a credit card already attached to the account. A credit card was attached to the account because I was logged into not my own, but my company's account... 

I had just published a site that featured a blog post about me reciting a death poem on MY COMPANY'S-sponsored site. 

Frantically, I Googled how to delete a Squarespace site and was able to remove it immediately. This, of course, did not erase the fact that an email notification had been sent to our Creative Director (who manages all of our Squarespace sites) letting her know that a new website had been made under her name. Who knows if she decided to investigate and found herself reading about the ten-year-old girl who was fascinated by a man shoved into gleaming coals in the middle of the Alaskan Yukon. Here's hoping!